Monday, January 30, 2012

Purging the closet

It is amazing how attached one can become to clothing. It took some time for me to complete my closet purge, what with the holidays intervening, and all the various day-to-day crises that come up and demand immediate attention, but in the end I had over two full sized garbage bags full of clothes.
The Car Bears pajama bottoms were especially hard to give up. :P
I folded it all up and laid it out on the craft room table so you cane see the full scope of it.
I didn't expect as much pathos as I actually experienced. I had be really cutthroat with myself about it - if I haven't worn it this year, or it was unflattering, or getting too worn, it had to go.
During this purge I also lost about 5-10 lbs, so I had my size to consider. I went from a size 6 to a 3 or 4, depending on the brand. So now the pants that I kept no longer fit, and neither did the ones I got rid of. It's making more and more sense for me to have a new wardrobe!

I'm not showing you the underwear and such that went in the bag, or, alas! the garbage. There are some things that don't need to be immortalized with pictures, and my white cotton granny underwear from my post-partum days are among them.

Next time: What I kept, and why.

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